Thursday, April 24, 2008

Alms for the ignorant

ALRIGHT! I can't take it anymore. I don't know what I'm doing here. Blogging I mean. I go to your blogs and there are all kinds of awesome things I would love to incorporate in my blog. Is there some magical place to go with instructions on how to make my blog personalized beyond what the "customize" button in the top right is allowing me to do? How do I get music? How do I add pics from the web? How do I make my background look like darn cute scrapbook paper? I must admit... I have been avoiding asking these questions because I feel like my Mom when she calls me from Mexico to ask how to fix her printer. There is only so much you can do over the phone, ya know. Bless my wonderful mothers heart she doesn't get some things to do with computers and I have to say... I have a sneaking suspicion the same gene is rearing it's ugly head! SAVE ME FROM THAT FATE. Any advice is good advice, don't be shy. Have pity on this new blogger, please.

(3 hours and still in the same spot later) Yes! We have sound people! That doesn't mean I don't still need help. This is virtual pan handling, I'll admit it.


will said...

Hi, Anna's cousin out cruising blogs. I've found lots of help in Blogger's own Help section. Search for something you want to do, and you will find discussions that offer great links that explain how to add things or offer things to add.

To put photos from the web in your posts, right click on a photo from the web and select "Save Image As" (Firefox does this, I'm supposing other browsers do to). Then save it to your desktop or wherever and you can select it when you browse for photos to upload.

Often the blogs with the scrap-booky backgrounds will offer a link to where you can get your own (provided by the folks who make the backgrounds). When you see one of those backgrounds, look around a little for the link.

That's my free advice. Good luck.

Cecilia Davit said...

I'm joining your club. I have no idea how to do cool things on my blog. I just posted a video and my husband had to do all the editing and stuff. I love your playlist - good job on getting that on there! Better Together was going to be my wedding song with Diego but then it was too weird to really dance to so we went with "Para Tu Amor" from Juanes. Can't wait to see the other cool things you come up with!