Well Family of ours,
The Williams have done it again. We're on another crazy adventure. This is Zach's Spring Break from school and we decided last week we should go see something new. So, we booked a couple cheap hotels, crossed the border, and booked it down the interstate to.... Gatlingburg, TN. That's right. Just a short drive past Pigeon Forge. Now there's a destination! Seriously! You wouldn't believe how much family fun entertainment is packed into that nook of the Great Smokey Mountains. Some friends of ours in London came to Gatlinburg with their family and said it was fun. We got looking around and found that Knoxville and it's surrounding area looks like a PARTY and we'd never been to this part of the country. It was an 11 hour drive which would have been fun enough, but as luck would have it Kaite managed (Zach writing now, as Liza is demanding to feed) to do a number all over the car seat and clothes. Car sick?? We don't think so, maybe just a very sensitive gag reflex, but the sheer volume was incredible. THis really nice, young guy at the gas station in Tennessee bought us some paper towels and jugs of water and brought them out to us as we were cleaning her up and said he'd been there before with his kids. Another guy in the bathroom that couldn't have been more than 25 or so yet saw me cleaning up the aftermath, I apologized for the disaster and he said not to worry, he'd been there before with his 4 kids. The whole event would've made great lyrics for a country song. The people may tawk kenda fonny but ye shore caint beat da hauspitality.
We are currently in Myrtle Beach South Carolina. The Smokey Mountains didn't disappoint. We would definitely go back. Gatlinburg is a gem of a town, a mix between cozy ski village and a family theme park with plenty to do. We spent St. Patricks Day there and didn't have to shield Kaitlyns eyes from anything. We kept the kids out late which left them wound up for a night all together in the hotel room. During the hour of getting to sleep every time Liza would make even a peep Kaitlyn would whisper loudly " Liza, be happy!!!" and then Liza would become quiet upon which Kaitlyn would whisper "Tank you!!"
After arriving this evening we spent a little time at the beach to Kate's delight, and tomorrow we had promosed Kaitlyn an entire day at the beach which she talked about all the way over the Appalacian mountains. That and the big, big slides at Mickey Donalds are definitely highlights for her.
Zach and Mar